2015-01-17 Tanga - Arusha - Namanga
Quite a few of the Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons collected their heroin from 14th Street in Tanga. So, yesterday morning on the way to Tanga airport, I got my taxi driver to make a detour to 14th Street ....we went up and down ....signs everywhere of poverty, unemployment ...breeding ground for desperate people tempted by easy (?) money from drug trafficking |
Arusha, a large and lively place at the top
centre of Tanzania. At Arusha airport I bought ticket for next stage of
my journey ....having learnt that in this part of the world airports are
the best place to buy air tickets! By the way, my pilot to Arusha was
from New Zealand, and at Arusha airport I met a pilot from Cairns in
From Arusha I travelled by mini-van (= 8 seater Toyota, which carried 9) for 90 minute trip to Namanga on the Kenya-Tanzania border, where I'm hoping today to meet several families of Kenyan inmates. Advice from many sources was "don't go into Kenya, not safe, too much violence". So I'm staying on Tz side of the border |
Drive to Namanga passed through all sorts
of countryside, very similar to Australia. When I remarked to man next
to me as we passed banana trees "this is just like Australia",
he asked "does Australia have bananas?"
We also passed through lands of the Masai people, who on Saturdays have a most colorful market day, but I was too slow to take a photo of same |
My guest house in Namanga is very
primitive, but at least has electricity ....and my Vodacom USB modem
Hats on bed to stop me bumping my head |
May not need mosie net ...no sign of mosies
so far. As soon as I arrived after very, very hot drive, I immediately had a cold shower, I mean I used cold water from the drum ...next photo |
No running water. Just buckets. Shower water was conveniently used to do a bit of washing |