2009  Hong Kong photos   March, April


2009-03-03scmp.jpg (257069 bytes)
2009-03-03 SCMP

2009-03-04scmp.jpg (205650 bytes)
2009-03-04 SCMP

2009-03-06scmp.jpg (296583 bytes)
2009-03-06 SCMP

2009-03-11scmp.jpg (166337 bytes)
2009-03-11 SCMP

2009-03-13taiwai01.JPG (348546 bytes)
Tai Wai


2009-03-16taiwai01.JPG (315406 bytes)
2009-03-16 Tai Wai:
  Fr Irek omi,
Fr Ronnie omi,
Fr William omi
Sandra & George
 from Melbourne

2009-03-18kln02.JPG (568219 bytes)2009-03-18kln01.JPG (542056 bytes)

2009-03-18 Kowloon Park:
 Frank and cousin Pauline
from Brisbane

2009-03-30kln01.jpg (312862 bytes)¡@
2009-03-30 Kowloon Bay:
Teresa & John
(John a loyal helper for many years at Notre Dame English Corner)

Easter holiday
English activity arranged
 at Tai Wai
by Caritas HK

2009-04-18sat01.JPG (263696 bytes)
2009-04-18 Central:
Welcome back from UK for a holiday in HK
John & Marie-Louise,
former Lantau residents
& loyal helpers
of Epiphany Parish

2009-04-18sat02.JPG (346414 bytes)2009-04-18sat03.JPG (324048 bytes)
2009-04-18  North Point:
Funeral for former Lantau resident   Lamberto Golapa
(c.f. December 16, 2000).
I visited Lamberto in Hospital
 on Holy Thursday
 before he died on Good Friday

2009-04-24jordan01.JPG (360635 bytes)2009-04-24jordan02.JPG (374021 bytes)2009-04-24jordan03.JPG (334555 bytes)

2004-04-24  Jordan:
Salvation Army social workers  trying to persuade street sleepers
to take up offer of proper accommodation.
Street sleeper in pic on right staggered me when I said I could try to find a friend to help pay rent for him in proper accommodation.
"No need for that, Father. I have more than $10,000 (in the bank?)".  He declined to move. He gets free meals from passers by, a monthly pension of about $1,000 from government.  But his health is a big concern.
That's not water in the bottle at his feet.

