Grover's Disease - successful treatments

* Many websites have information. Use and in search box enter: grover's+disease

*  avoid hot applications like methylated spirits (these cause inflammation).

* Chinese medicine: a soup that cleans the system and seems to relieve Grover's : 2 Chinese bitter melons + a bundle of "ma si yin" vegetable (Cantonese pronunciation); boil for one hour. Drink a bowl several times a day; ok to eat the "ma si yin"

* Apply "Mylanta" antacid liquid to the skin (don't drink it!): one of its side effects is to remove Grover's disease!

* for shower:   use coal tar soap (but very expensive...HK$47) - better: use "Shanghai Yaozao" (HK$2!), same result

* get away from Summer climate to a cooler place.  A few weeks away from extreme heat can help symptoms ease considerably

* don't wear singlet  under shirt; wear shirt hanging out

* To avoid chest perspiration in Summer: wear a body cooling vest (e.g. try "arcticheat" in ). Excellent!

* when in Summer climate: cold showers, 3 each day: morning, midday, to cool skin 

* item for researchers: wormfarm growers report that a type of liquid they process has been found to radically speed up the healing of skin burns and skin diseases.  Information from Colin Hazel . And see