Eternal Ink(永恆的墨水) 
I dreamed I was in heaven
>  >  Where an angel kept God's book
>  >  有一位天使正在紀錄著生命冊
>  >  He was writing so intently
>  >  他寫的好專心
>  >  I just had to take a look.
>  >  使我想一窺究竟
>  >
>  >  It was not, at first, his writing
>  >  起初吸引我的
>  >  That made me stop and think
>  >  並非天使所寫的內容
>  >  But the fluid in the bottle
>  >  而是墨水瓶中那個被標示著
>  >  That was marked eternal ink
>  >  "eternal ink"--永恆的墨水
>  >
>  >  This ink was most amazing
>  >  這種墨水實在是太神奇了
>  >  Dark black upon his blotter
>  >  剛寫下去時是深黑色的
>  >  But as it touched the parchment
>  >  但當它一碰到生命冊理得羊皮紙
>  >  It became as clear as water
>  >  它的顏色就變的如水般透明
>  >
>  >  The angel kept on writing
>  >  天使不停的寫 不停的寫
>  >  But as quickly as a wink
>  >  但奇怪的是
>  >  The words were disappearing
>  >  因著這個神奇墨水筆
>  >  With that strange eternal ink
>  >  寫下去的字 消失的速度如一眨眼般
>  >
>  >  The angel took no notice
>  >  天使旁若無人
>  >  But kept writing on and on.
>  >  不停得寫 寫 寫
>  >  He Turned each page and filled it
>  >  他翻動著每一頁 不停的寫
>  >  Till all its space was gone.
>  >  直到每一處的空白都填滿為止
>  >
>  >  I thought he wrote to no avail,
>  >  我覺得他真是徒勞無功
>  >  His efforts were so vain
>  >  所有的力氣都白費了
>  >  For he wrote a thousand pages
>  >  因為他再也沒辦法回頭看這
>  >  That he'd never read again.
>  >  辛辛苦苦寫出的上千頁文字
>  >
>  >  And as I watched and wondered that
>  >  在狐疑中
>  >  This awesome sight was mine
>  >  I actually saw a word stay black
>  >  我終於看到了一個黑色的字
>  >  As it dried upon the line.
>  >  出現在透明的字行之中
>  >
>  >  The angel wrote and I thought I saw
>  >  在天使的臉上
>  >  A look of satisfaction
>  >  我看到了一絲滿意的眼神
>  >  At last he had some print to show
>  >  終於在他那麼認真的書寫中
>  >  For all his earnest action.
>  >  有點東西可以展示了
>  >
>  >  A line or two dried dark and stayed
>  >  有一兩行的文字呈現出黑色的墨水
>  >  As black as black can be,
>  >  但奇怪的是
>  >  But strangely the next paragraph
>  >  下一個段落又成為透明的顏色
>  >  Became invisible to see.
>  >  又沒有辦法看見了
>  >
>  >  The book was getting fuller,
>  >  本子越來越滿
>  >  The angel's records true,
>  >  天使仍然認真的在寫
>  >  But most of it was blank, with
>  >  但放眼望去  一片空白
>  >  Just a few words coming through.
>  >  只有少數幾個字穿插在空白中
>  >
>  >  I knew there was some reason
>  >  我知道裡頭一定有些原因
>  >  But as hard as I could think,
>  >  但我再怎麼努力想也想不透
>  >  I couldn't grasp the significance
>  >  這個神奇墨水的奧秘
>  >  Of that eternal ink.
>  >
>  >
>  >  The mystery burned within me,
>  >  真的好想好想知道
>  >  And I finally dared to ask
>  >  終於我鼓起勇氣問天使
>  >  The angel to explain to me
>  >  請他解釋一下這個奧秘
>  >  Of his amazing task.
>  >
>  >  And what heard was frightful
>  >  天使轉過頭來
>  >  As the angel turned his head.
>  >  定睛的看著我
>  >  He looked directly at me,
>  >  他所說的令我好害怕
>  >  And this is what he said...
>  >  他說:
>  >
>  >  I know you stand and wonder
>  >  "我知道你很懷疑我所做的事
>  >  At what my writing's worth
>  >  價值為何。
>  >  But God has told me to record
>  >  但上帝吩咐我記錄下
>  >  The lives of those on earth
>  >  人類生命中的點點滴滴
>  >
>  >  The book that I am filling
>  >  在這本書中我確實的紀錄下了
>  >  Is an accurate account
>  >  人類的每句話 每個舉動
>  >  Of every word and action
>  >  And to what they do amount
>  >
>  >  And since you have been watching
>  >  因為你在看
>  >  I must tell you what is true;
>  >  我必須告訴你實話
>  >  The details of my journal
>  >  本子中的細節
>  >  Are the strict accounts of YOU
>  >  全部都是對於你鉅細靡遺的紀錄
>  >
>  >  The Lord asked me to watch you
>  >  上帝要求我鑒察你
>  >  As each day you worked and played
>  >  工作時 娛樂時
>  >  I saw you as you went to church
>  >  你去教堂時 我看著你
>  >  I saw you as you prayed
>  >  你禱告時 我看著你
>  >
>  >  But I was told to document
>  >  但我必須要記錄你日復一日的生活
>  >  Your life through all the week
>  >  我寫下了你的驕傲自大
>  >  I wrote when you were proud and bold
>  >  也寫下了你的溫柔
>  >  I wrote when you were meek
>  >
>  >  I recorded all your attitudes
>  >  不論是好的態度或是壞的態度
>  >  Whether they were good or bad
>  >  我都記錄了下來
>  >  I was sorry that I had to write
>  >  我很抱歉我必須寫下一些讓
>  >  The things that make God sad
>  >  上帝難過的事情
>  >
>  >  So now I'll tell the wonder
>  >  現在 我要告訴你
>  >  Of this eternal ink
>  >  這個神奇墨水的奧秘
>  >  For the reason for its mystery
>  >  這個奧秘可以讓你好好思考
>  >  Should make you stop and think
>  >  其中的意義
>  >
>  >  This ink that God created
>  >  上帝所創造的的這個墨水
>  >  To help me keep my journal
>  >  是幫助我只要記錄下可以
>  >  Will only keep a record of
>  >  存到永遠的事情
>  >  Things that are eternal
>  >
>  >  So much of life is wasted
>  >  如此一來
>  >  On things that matter not
>  >  我就不用再刪除那些
>  >  So instead of my erasing
>  >  生命中毫無意義的事
>  >  Smudging ink and ugly blot
>  >  把本子刪的烏漆摸黑的
>  >
>  >  I just keep writing faithfully and
>  >  我所要做的是
>  >  Let the ink do all the rest
>  >  忠誠的紀錄下所有的事情
>  >  For it is able to decide
>  >  剩下的  就由墨水來決定
>  >  What's useless and what is best
>  >  什麼才是有意義的
>  >
>  >  And God ordained that as I write
>  >  上帝照著我所記錄下來的來審判
>  >  Of all you do and say
>  >  而你所做的若沒什麼意義
>  >  Your deeds that count for nothing
>  >  自然的就會消失不見
>  >  Will just disappear away
>  >
>  >  When books are opened someday,
>  >  某天 當生命冊被打開
>  >  As sure as heaven is true,
>  >  天堂真實地座落在你眼前時
>  >  The Lord's eternal ink will tell
>  >  上帝的神奇墨水將會分辨
>  >  What mattered most to you
>  >  什麼和你最有關係
>  >
>  >  If you just lived to please yourself
>  >  如果你只為了自己活
>  >  The pages will be bare
>  >  你的扉頁將是空白的
>  >  And God will issue no reward
>  >  等你到了這裡
>  >  For you when you get there
>  >  上帝將不會給你任何獎賞
>  >
>  >  In fact, you will be embarrassed
>  >  事實上,你會感到羞愧
>  >  You will hang your head in shame
>  >  你將會把你的頭浸在羞恥之中
>  >  Because you did not give yourself
>  >  因為你並沒有委身於基督耶穌
>  >  In love to Jesus' Name
>  >  的愛裡
>  >
>  >  Yet maybe there will be a few
>  >  雖然 或許有幾行字仍然留著
>  >  Recorded lines that stayed
>  >  代表著你曾真正的關心
>  >  That showed the times you truly cared
>  >  真誠的去愛與禱告
>  >  Sincerely loved and prayed
>  >
>  >  But you will always wonder
>  >  但你仍舊會驚嘆
>  >  As you enter heaven's door
>  >  如果你做的更多
>  >  How much more glad you would have been
>  >  當你踏入天堂時
>  >  If only you'd done more
>  >  那喜樂將會是何等的大
>  >
>  >  When I heard the angel's story
>  >  聽完了天使的一番話
>  >  I fell down and wept and cried
>  >  我撲倒在地上放聲大哭
>  >  For as yet I still was dreaming
>  >  雖然這只是一場夢
>  >  I hadn't really died
>  >  我還沒有真正的死亡
>  >
>  >  And I said: O angel tell the Lord
>  >  我說:天使啊!告訴上帝
>  >  That soon as I awake
>  >  等我一起來
>  >  I will live my life for Jesus-
>  >  我會為主而活
>  >  I will do all for His dear sake
>  >  我願意為神慈愛的緣故作任何事
>  >
>  >  I'll give in full surrender
>  >  我甘心降服在祂面前
>  >  I'll do all He wants me to do
>  >  願意照著祂的旨意而行
>  >  I'll turn my back on self and sin
>  >  我要背棄不真實的自我和罪
>  >  And whatever isn't true
>  >
>  >  And though the way seems long and rough
>  >  雖然這條路看來似乎長又崎嶇
>  >  I promise to endure
>  >  我願意承受
>  >  I am determined to pursue the things
>  >  並且一生追尋
>  >  That are holy, clean, and pure
>  >  聖潔,清心,與單純的事物
>  >
>  >  With Jesus as my helper
>  >  藉著耶穌是我的幫助
>  >  I will win lost souls to Thee
>  >  我要為祂贏得失喪的靈魂
>  >  For I know that they will live with Christ
>  >  因為我知道他們將和上帝一同活在
>  >  For all eternity
>  >  永恆裡
>  >
>  >  And that's what really matters
>  >  而這才是真正重要的
>  >  When my life on earth is gone
>  >  當在世的年歲已盡
>  >  That I will stand before the Lord
>  >  我站在神的面前
>  >  ANd hear Him say, well done
>  >  才可以聽見神說:做的好!
>  >
>  >  For is it really worth it
>  >  難道使我的生命濱臨在危險邊緣
>  >  As my life lies at the brink?      
>  >  是有價值的嗎 ?
>  >  And I realize that God keeps books   
>  >   此時我才了解到上帝為什麼要用永恆                   
>  >  With His eternal ink         
>  >  的墨水來紀錄生命冊
>  >
>  >  Should all my life be focused
>  >  難道我應該把我的生命
>  >  On things that turn to dust?
>  >  浪費在轉眼間如塵土的事上?不!
>  >  > From this point on I'll serve the Lord;
>  >  因此 我要服事神
>  >  I can, I will, I must!
>  >  我能 我將要  我必須!!
>  >
>  >  I will NOT send blank pages                  
>  >  我將不會任一空白的扉頁
>  >  Up to God's majestic throne
>  >  呈現在上帝威嚴的寶座前
>  >  For where that record's going now
>  >  因為記錄所在的地方就是我
>  >  Is my eternal home
>  >  永恆的家
>  >
>  >  I am giving all to Jesus
>  >  我將我所擁有的獻給耶穌
>  >  I now have seen the link
>  >  我已經看到了上帝和生命的關連
>  >  For I saw an angel write my life
>  >  因為我看到了一位天使
>  >  With God's Eternal Ink
>  >  握著上帝的神奇墨水筆
>  >  在紀錄著我的生命
>  >
>  >   (真實的夢by Craig F. Pitts)
>  >       Translated by Jo Lee
>  >_