2015-01-14 Dar Es Salaam - Clouds media: radio/tv interviews. Bus & church

7.15 to 8.45 Guest of disc jockey Evans on his morning show broadcast in the Dar Es Salaam area.... urging people not to take drugs to HK/China/Macau.
Live-wire speaking Evans speaks a little Mandarin and has a great sense of humour

9am to 10am  Guest on morning program of Barbara and Gerald, broadcast throughout Tanzania.  At one stage both Barbara and I were in tears because of the material being discussed

Barbara reading (without names etc) some of the messages written by HK inmates for their families, and messages written by families for the inmates
TV interview with Joyce. By this stage I had lost track of time
Clouds TV also widely viewed throughout Tanzania
Abdul who has radio show for young people
Radio (?) interview with Abdul ....aimed at helping young people avoid the trap of drug use and drug trafficking


When the first interview with Evans finished, he said "they'd like you to do an interview with Barbara and Gerald. When that interview finished they said "TV people also like an interview". When that finished, Abdul asked for one more interview ...for radio ..but camera was going.

If all this publicity stops even one person going to prison in HK, it will have been worthwhile.

Many, many thanks Team Clouds for an amazing morning!


The Clouds Media Studios in Dar Es Salaam
If your head is still in the clouds after a media morning, I recommend a trip on a local bus to bring you back down to earth!
My bus. I stood for the first half of the journey. In background is one of many bus stations in an ambitious bus transport plan that will soon have buses running on their own exclusive lanes in the middle of the road
Place where I needed to change buses has this beautiful church
High tin roof, open brick walls, many birds flying in and out, reminding me of Psalm 84:
"Even sparrows and swallows are your Temple guests. They build homes for their young near your altar"
Very simple but very spacious layout
What a great idea for a large church: make the back section higher so that people can see!